Oldham County Elementary School Attendance Procedure
Parents are required to call the school office on the day their child is absent. Within 5 days of returning to school, a child is required to bring a note from his/her parents/guardians, doctor or dentist, stating the reason for the absence.
If no note is provided within 5 days stating the reason for the absence, the absence will be considered unexcused.
After 10 total absences, a doctor’s note is required to excuse any subsequent absences.
Any unexcused absences will be brought to the attention of the principal or designee. After accumulating 3 unexcused absences, the parent will receive a letter from the principal or designee. If school personnel and parent/guardian are unsuccessful creating a plan to improve the attendance of the child, the Director of Pupil Personnel will be contacted.
Six unexcused absences will be brought to the attention of the Director of Pupil Personnel. (Board Policy 9010). If irregular attendance persists after the parents/guardians have been contacted by the school personnel and the Director of Pupil Personnel concerning the importance of regular attendance and the legal responsibilities of the parents/guardians, the Director of Pupil Personnel will then request a juvenile court appearance.
Tardy students (arriving at 7:40 AM or later) are to immediately report to the office and be signed in by the parent/guardian. If it is necessary for a student to be dismissed early, the parent/guardian/designee must sign his/her child out in the school office, with an accompanying note or the tardy will be unexcused.
After accumulating 3 unexcused tardies, the parent/guardian will receive a letter from the school. If school personnel and parent/guardian are unsuccessful in improving the attendance of the child, the Director of Pupil Personnel will be contacted.
Six unexcused tardies will be brought to the attention of the Director of Pupil Personnel.
School personnel may call the student’s home or the parent’s work to check on the child. Oldham County Board Policy 9010.025 list the following reasons for excused absences: illness of the student, death in the family, absence excused or authorized by state statute, observation of religious holidays of the student’s faith including absences excused by other provisions of Board policy, SBDM policy or approved by the principal. Parents/guardians are encouraged to make doctor’s appointments after school.
- Doctor’s Note Only Status: After a student accumulates 10 attendance event absences that were unexcused, or excused by parent notes, the student will be placed on Doctor’s Note Status under Board Policy 9010 to excuse further absences.
- Perfect Attendance: A student may accumulate up to a total of three (3) excused tardy or absent events in a school year that do not exceed 50% of any one school day.
- Truancy Referrals: Any child accumulating six (6) or more unexcused absences, or six (6) or more unexcused tardies, or a combination thereof, will be considered a habitual truant and will be subject to referral to the Department of Pupil Personnel.
If a child is absent from the school for a full day, the student will not be permitted to participate in after-school activities (i.e. basketball, cross-country, chorus, etc.) on the day of which the student was absent.
Any student missing the day before or day after Fall Break, Thanksgiving Break, Winter Break, Spring Break or any major holiday MUST have a doctor’s note to be excused.