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KY School Report Card for Crestwood Elementary School  |  Proficient in Reading: 29%  |  Distinguished in Reading: 19%  |  Proficient in Math: 28%  |  Distinguished in Math: 13%

SBDM Council

Site Based Decision-Making Council

The School-Based Decision Making (SBDM) Council consists of three parents, four teachers and the school principal.

The SBDM process gives parents, teachers, and the principal substantial control over how a school operates. They are charged with the task of finding the most effective ways to achieve the goals set for all students. Information about SBDM councils is found on the Kentucky Department of Education, School-Based Decision Making page.

This council, advised by the school’s staff, makes policies on curriculum, instructional practices, schedules, use of school space, discipline, classroom management, and extracurricular programs. The council also decides what instructional materials the school will use, what support services the school will provide for its students, and how many people the school will employ in each job classification.

The meetings of the council and its committees are open to the public, and all interested persons are encouraged to attend.


Important Documents

SBDM Policies

SBDM 2024-25 Meeting Agendas & Minutes 

SBDM 2022-23 Meeting Agendas & Minutes

SBDM 2023-24 Meeting Agendas & Minutes 

**Note: SBDM documentation prior to 2022-23 can be requested through the school office**