Title I Trailer
Title I Statement
Crestwood Elementary School participates in a School-Wide Title 1 program with a goal to improve teaching and learning in order to enable participating students to meet the academic standards that all students are expected to master. This goal is met through the following:
- Planning for Title 1 services is incorporated into the school improvement plan
- Using effective research and evidence-based instructional strategies
- Coordinating with and supporting the regular educational program
- Providing instruction by highly qualified teachers
- Providing professional development opportunities for staff who work with participating students
- Offering strategies to families to continue learning at home
- Coordinating and integrating Federal, State, and local services and programs
Parents Right to Know
We are extremely proud of the expertise and experience of our staff. OCS consistently has high percentages of teachers who meet the federal government's Highly Qualified Teacher requirements and who hold National Board Teacher Certification. We respect parents' rights to know about the qualification of their children's teacher and welcome inquiries about teacher credentials. Please contact Richard Graviss, Personnel Director, at 502-241-3500 for additional information.
Padres y apoderados tienen derecho a conocer las cualificaciones y credenciales de los profesores de nuestras escuelas. Si usted desea mayor información sobre los profesores de su hijo, por favor contacte a Richard Graviss, director de personal. Teléfono 502-241-3500.
Parents may request information regarding the professional qualifications of their child’s teachers such as:
whether the teacher met the state requirements for licensure and certification for the grade levels and subject matters in which the teacher provides instruction;
- whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional status through which state qualification or licensing criteria have been waived;
- the college major and any other graduate certification or degree held by the teacher and the field of discipline of the certification or degree; and
- whether the child is provided service by paraeducators, and if so, their qualifications
Frequently Asked Questions
Who Is Eligible?
All students may have access to Intervention services through the tiered process. Typically, TIER II and TIER III intervention supports are reserved for students that fall in the bottom 40th percentile in Reading, Math, Writing, and Behavior. As student needs increase more instructional supports are added.
Who would communicate if my child is in Intervention?
The classroom teacher is the primary person responsible for communicating your child's academic progress and participation in intervention services. All parents are notified in writing by our intervention team when a student enters or exits intervention.
Who teaches intervention?
All classroom teachers are responsible for teaching Tier I and Tier II. At Crestwood, there are additional staff that may support students in Tier III.
How will I know if my student is making progress?
Progress reports will go home for intervention students on the same schedule as the regular education report cards. Up-to-date information should be available to parents every two weeks upon request.
Who is the primary contact in the building if I am concerned about my students academic / social progress?
Your child's classroom teacher should always be the first point of contact for any academic or social concerns. Crestwood Elementary School's Intervention / Title 1 contact is Rosie Sanders, mary.sanders@oldham.kyschools.us, and is available to discuss any concerns relating to intervention.